Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 2 as a blogger - funny, I don't feel any different.

Last night we had Wednesday dinner with the grands. Hubby wasn't there because of a meeting out of town. So, it was just me, That One and The Other One, and 2 grands. Enjoyed not cooking, but 3 days of migraines have left me drained and achy.

Backdrop: 2 days ago, the 16yo (aka The Other One) was caught skipping school. No, I don't mean hiding out in a closet to keep from going to class. I mean captured on surveillance video leaving the building with the boyfriend. Apparently 2 hours later, she was actually missed by school personnel, and I was notified. So, me, WMN (Wife/Mom/Nutcase) proceeds to run the roads in search of my not-so-perfect-anymore daughter. Lucky for her and the bf, I passed them on the road headed back to school instead of catching them at his house.

Now, about last night (keep the backdrop in mind) - after confiscating the cell phone, I discovered a text message from bf's mother to The Other One. Without grammar or grace, she advises The Other One that it would be best for her and bf to lie to me about their whereabouts. Yes, you read correctly - SHE RECOMMENDED THEY LIE TO ME! I practiced much restraint in not texting back. The Other One's explanation - "they are from California and they are just different." Different? Clearly! Idiotic? Definitely! Is it just me or does this explain a lot of what is wrong with the current generation. Are there really parents out teaching their children that responsibility and maturity are not really required -- you just lie about everything.

So, my recalling all the times that The Other One has been over to bf's house (such visits only allowed because there would be parental supervision) has made me someone nauseated. How do you handle a dating situation for your daughter when you have to keep your eye on the other parents just as you do the bf?

Almost scared to think what today might bring,

1 comment:

  1. Other peoples parenting (or lack thereof) is more worrisome than the kids themselves! but this situation may need handled with care!
